The Best Type of Commercial Fire Extinguisher

If you own a business in any industry, a commercial fire extinguisher is a vital piece of safety equipment that can save life and property in an emergency. Aside from keeping people and property safe, all businesses need the right fire extinguisher, readily available, to conform with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) fire codes.

Fire extinguishers aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution, though, since there are varying types that are suited for specific fire situations. Read on to get to know some of the most common types of commercial fire extinguishers so you can select the right model for your environment.

ABC dry chemical

The ABC dry chemical extinguisher is the most common type of commercial fire extinguisher. These extinguishers can be used on class A, B and C fires and shoot a specially designed powder that can quench fires caused by burning gases and liquids, electrical materials or common combustible solids. The ABC dry chemical extinguisher is a great choice for general office buildings and retail stores, providing a quick discharge time between eight and 25 seconds with a maximum range of five to 20 feet. While the powder is corrosive and messy, it’s highly effective at fighting small fires.

Class K wet chemical

If you run a restaurant or any other operation that involves cooking food, a class K wet chemical extinguisher is an excellent option to have in your commercial kitchen. They drown gas fires that can’t be tamed with a general ABC dry chemical extinguisher, and they feature a discharge time between 30 and 85 seconds with a maximum range of eight to 12 feet. When engaged, they shoot a foaming blanket to keep fires from reigniting.

Water mist

Hospitals and other healthcare facilities with expensive equipment should have a water mist extinguisher on hand. They use pressurized water to safely eliminate fires without damaging sensitive equipment.

Carbon dioxide

These extinguishers use a cold discharge to remove oxygen and heat from the fire—in other words, the CO2 extinguisher starves a fire when engaged. If your property contains laboratory equipment, the CO2 extinguisher is a great option, but keep in mind they shouldn’t be used in unventilated rooms. They feature a discharge time between eight and 30 seconds and a maximum range of three to eight feet.


The D-type extinguisher is also known as a metal/sand extinguisher. They fight class D fires, which involve metals like sodium, magnesium or titanium. They’re ideal for laboratories that use metals in their daily operations and discharge a sodium chloride agent to smother blazes. Discharge times vary between eight and 25 seconds, and the typical maximum range for these extinguishers is three to six feet.

If you’re having trouble choosing the right commercial fire extinguisher for your property, it’s always best to consult a reputable expert in the industry who can point you in the right direction. Contact Raider Fire Protection today to learn more about the various types of fire extinguishers and find the model that’s right for your unique applications.